Emergency Room for Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions are a medical emergency. Get allergic reaction care without the wait – no appointment needed.

Surepoint Emergency Centers is here for you when allergic reactions strike. Our dedicated team of emergency physicians and ER nurses are available 24/7 to provide treatments for allergic reactions tailored to your needs. We’re here to help with food allergies, seasonal allergies, skin allergies, insect sting allergies, reactions to common products, and other common allergens. Whether you’re experiencing symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as constricted airways, throat swelling, or other signs like anaphylaxis, trust us for immediate expert care.

Woman blowing her nose with tissue

Emergency Allergy Care at Surepoint ER

An allergic reaction happens when your body responds to an allergen, such as pollen, by producing allergic antibodies (IgE). These antibodies seek and eliminate allergens, releasing histamine and causing allergy symptoms. Essentially, your immune system is doing what it’s designed to do – defend your body against harmful bacteria and viruses, known as allergens. Whether it’s your first exposure or a recurring problem, experiencing an allergic reaction is a medical emergency. At Surepoint Emergency Centers, our team of emergency physicians and ER nurses is ready 24/7 to address allergic reactions and provide immediate expert care tailored to your needs.

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What Causes an Allergic Reaction?

An allergic reaction is triggered when the immune system overreacts to a typically harmless substance, known as an allergen. The symptoms vary depending on what’s involved and can affect your airways, sinuses, skin, and more. Allergic reactions range from mild to severe, and in extreme cases, they can lead to a life-threatening response known as anaphylaxis. At Surepoint Emergency Centers, our dedicated team of emergency physicians and ER nurses is available 24/7 to address allergic reactions and provide immediate expert care tailored to your needs. Whether it’s a mild or severe reaction, we’re here to help when allergies become a medical emergency. Common causes of an allergic reaction include:

  • Pollen: Found in trees, grasses, and weeds, leading to seasonal allergies.
  • Dust Mites: Microscopic insects commonly found in household dust.
  • Pet Dander: Tiny, often invisible, particles of skin shed by pets.
  • Insect Stings: Venom from bee, wasp, hornet, or fire ant stings.
  • Certain Foods: Common allergens include nuts, shellfish, dairy, and eggs.
  • Medications: Some drugs can cause allergic reactions.
  • Latex: Found in items like gloves and balloons, causing latex allergies.
  • Mold: Fungal spores found indoors and outdoors.
  • Certain Metals: Nickel and other metals can cause skin allergies.

Should I Visit an ER If I’m Having an Allergic Reaction?

man rubbing eyes from allergies

For those experiencing allergic reactions, many find relief through over-the-counter antihistamines. However, if these medications aren’t effective or your allergies significantly impact your daily life, especially if you lack an epi-pen and your breathing is impacted, it’s crucial to take immediate action. In such cases, calling 911 or heading to the nearest emergency room is essential for prompt and effective treatment. Visit a Surepoint ER near you if you experience any of these allergic reaction symptoms:

  • Apparent rash
  • Itchy or swollen skin
  • Red splotches on the skin
  • Irritation in the eyes, throat, nose, or ears
  • Shortness of breath or tight chest
  • Nasal congestion or sinus troubles
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sudden drop in blood pressure
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

If you think you’re having an allergic reaction, act quickly for your safety. If you notice any related symptoms, treat it as a warning sign, and don’t wait. Get help right away by going to a Surepoint emergency room near you or calling 911 immediately.

Tips for Managing Allergic Reactions at Home

At Surepoint ER, being proactive in addressing allergic reactions is crucial. If you know the trigger, it’s important to avoid it to prevent escalating reactions. For mild symptoms, an over-the-counter antihistamine can be considered, following label instructions carefully, and consulting your doctor before giving it to a child. Mild symptoms may include sneezing, an itchy or runny nose, hives, or mild nausea. It’s advisable to resist scratching hives; instead, use a cold, moist towel or ice packs for relief. Avoiding hot baths or showers is also recommended as they can worsen itching. If prescribed, carry an epinephrine shot, ensuring it’s current, and learn how to administer it. Even if symptoms improve post-injection, visiting our emergency room for every severe reaction is crucial, as symptoms may resurface. Prioritizing safety can be done by wearing medical alert jewelry listing your allergies.

Our Tips For Preventing Allergic Reactions

woman scratching arm

To prevent allergies, the key is being allergy-aware. While avoiding triggers is the best strategy, it’s not always easy. Consult your doctor or allergist for a diagnosis using exams and health history discussions. They may conduct tests like Allergy Skin Testing, Allergy Elimination (or Challenge) Testing, or Allergy Blood Tests to identify specific allergens affecting you. For allergy sufferers, here are some tips to limit exposure and prevent allergic reactions:

  • Food Allergies:
    – Read ingredient labels and packaging carefully to ensure your allergen is not present.
    – Inform restaurant staff about your allergies when dining out to prevent accidental exposure.
    – Plan before traveling and consider packing your food to ensure a safe and allergy-friendly option.
    – Exercise caution with foods processed in facilities that handle your allergens to minimize the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Cat, Dog, and Pet Allergies:
    – Create a pet-free zone in your bedroom, especially during sleep, as we spend a significant portion of our time in bed.
    – Designate a specific area for pets in the house, preferably one with easy-to-clean surfaces like hard flooring instead of carpets and furniture.
    – Discourage pets from lounging on sofas, chairs, or other upholstered surfaces to minimize dander accumulation.
    – Maintain cleanliness by regularly washing bedding and blankets in hot water, and use a hot dryer to help prevent nighttime allergy symptoms.
  • Pollen, Ragweed, & Seasonal Allergies:
    – Close windows and doors on days with high pollen counts to minimize exposure.
    – Regularly wash bedding in hot water to eliminate pollen brought in from outside.
    – Reduce outdoor time during high pollen seasons to minimize exposure.
    – Cover your hair and eyes when outdoors to prevent pollen from sticking.
    – Opt to dry clothes in your dryer rather than hanging them outside to avoid collecting pollen.
  • Dust Allergies:
    – Regularly wipe surfaces with a damp cloth to clean away dust, preventing it from circulating in the air.
    – Wash sheets, bedding, and stuffed toys weekly in hot water and use a hot dryer to eliminate dust mites.
    – Safeguard pillows and mattresses with dust mite-proof covers to prevent their entry.
    – Opt for roller blinds instead of curtains to reduce surfaces where dust can settle.
    – Choose furniture made of leather, vinyl, or plastic over upholstered furniture to minimize dust retention.
    – Maintain humidity below 50% by using a dehumidifier to create an environment less favorable for dust mites.

Put Your Health First: Don’t Ignore the Signs of Allergic Reaction – Seek Emergency Care

We make your well-being our top priority at Surepoint ER. Whether you’re dealing with allergic reactions, constricted airways, throat swelling, or any allergy-related symptoms, our caring team is here for you 24/7 when emergencies strike. Click below to locate a Surepoint emergency room near you, where empathetic care is crafted specifically for you!

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