Category: Health & Wellness

Is Your Sniffle Really Just a Cold? - Here’s What You Need to Know Before It Gets Worse

November 12, 2024

Is Your Sniffle Really Just a Cold? Here’s What You Need to Know Before It Gets Worse Cold weather is coming, and with it, the common cold. While a runny nose and scratchy throat might seem like a minor inconvenience, what starts as a sniffle can quickly spiral into something much worse. What Is the Common Cold? The common cold is caused by a variety of viruses, most commonly rhinoviruses. These viruses thrive in cooler temperatures and...

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The Hidden Dangers of Pneumonia: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe!

November 12, 2024

What Is Pneumonia? Many people think of pneumonia as an illness that affects only the frail and elderly, but it can strike anyone, including otherwise healthy young adults and children. Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs caused by the Streptococcus Pneumoniae bacterium. It leads to air sacs being filled with pus or fluid and is accompanied by symptoms like a high fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. Pneumonia can be...

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Spread Holiday Cheer: Surepoint Emergency Centers Launches Toys for Tots Donation Drive

November 1, 2024

🎄Spread Holiday Cheer: Surepoint Emergency Centers Launches Toys for Tots Donation Drive🎄 The holiday season is a time for giving, and this year, Surepoint Emergency Centers is proud to partner with Toys for Tots to help make the holidays brighter for children. Starting November 1st, all Surepoint Emergency Centers will have donation drop boxes where you can contribute toys to this incredible cause. Together, we can bring joy to families who...

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Tarleton State - Fort Worth Campus: Building the Future of Healthcare Education

October 22, 2024

FORT WORTH, Texas — Tarleton State University’s new and quickly growing Fort Worth campus celebrated the Grand Opening of the Interprofessional Education (IPE) Building today alongside many notable figures like speaker Mattie Parker (Mayor of Fort Worth), Texas to Superintendents from Fort Worth ISD, Crowley ISD, Mayors, and city council members from surrounding towns, countless Tarleton Faculty and Alumni.   (photo credit: Tarleton...

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2024 Spokes4Hope Police Motorcycle Rodeo

October 14, 2024

Helping Kids "Ride" On To A Better Life Spokes 4 Hope is a local charitable organization founded in 2007 by Kevin Howell, Alton Wells, Mike Norris and Craig Ludwig and supported by North Texas police motorcycle officers. The primary focus of the group is to gift impoverished and/or abused children bikes & helmets for Christmas. This gift allows children to know that people care about them; and encourages children despite their current...

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Surepoint Emergency Centers Sponsors and Competes in the First Annual Mansfield Education Foundation Pickleball Tournament

September 25, 2024

Surepoint Emergency Centers Sponsors and Competes in the First Annual Mansfield Education Foundation Pickleball Tournament In a vibrant show of community spirit and support for local education, Surepoint Emergency Centers proudly sponsored and participated in the first annual MISD Education Foundation Pickleball Tournament, held last week at the popular Chick-N-Pickle in Grand Prairie. This exciting event not only highlighted the growing...

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When Do I Go to the Emergency Room for the Flu?

September 10, 2024

When Do I Go to the Emergency Room for the flu? Knowing when you should go to the emergency room, when to make an appointment with your doctor and when it’s better to just stay home, can save you time and money as well as possibly reduce the risk of getting sicker or getting others sick. The need to go to the emergency room is generally based on how sick you are and not what type of flu you may have. So, when should you simply tough it out at home...

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TikTok Influencer Nick Luciano Helps Raise Much Needed Funds For Erath County Humane Society - Canines and Coffee 2024

September 5, 2024

Canines and Coffee 2024 The Erath County Humane Society was bustling with vendors and guests from all over to snag a photo with a beloved local TikTok Influencer Nick Luciano. Luciano along with many of the vendors pledged a portion of their sales to support the shelter's fundraising efforts for a new facility aimed at better serving the animals and potential adopters. Luciano is seen here not only donating his proceeds from merchandise sold at...

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Tarleton State University: A Collaborative Effort for Student Success

August 27, 2024

Tarleton State University - Week of Welcome '24  As the summer sun begins to fade, excitement fills the air at Tarleton State University (TSU) in Stephenville, Texas. Students from all over, with dreams of academic success and personal growth, are preparing for their journey into higher education. To ensure a smooth transition, TSU will host several fun-filled and informational events for its students from August 22-29. Surepoint Emergency Center...

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Did you know AFib makes you 5x more likely to have a stroke?

August 26, 2024

What is a Atrial Fibrillation (Afib)? According to The American Heart Association, Atrial fibrillation is a quivering or irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib or AF, can lead to blood clots, heart failure, and increases the risk of stroke by five times, as well as other heart-related complications. What is a Stroke? Uniquely, a stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery, or a blood...

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Heartburn Or A Heart Attack? 

August 14, 2024

Heartburn or heart attack? That is the question. You’re at home and you start having chest pains. Should you be concerned? Heartburn or indigestion creates discomfort and pain when digestive acid backs up from the stomach into the esophagus. Indigestion usually starts as a burning sensation. You might feel it in your upper abdomen, and the pain and discomfort might spread to your chest area, thus the term “heartburn. Many foods can trigger...

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Know the Signs: Concussions

July 5, 2021

Concussions He fell out of his treehouse and hit his head hard. She bumped her head at practice. The car behind you didn’t stop and your head hit the windshield. Now his head hurts, she’s feeling dizzy and you are feeling nauseous. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a direct blow or bumps to the head. The impact rattles the brain, which can lead to a variety of problems. There are 3 levels to concussions. Grade 1...

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That Bites!: When to Treat a Spider Bite

May 19, 2021

Getting a Spider Bite When I was a kid, we used to play in the empty lot next door. The grass would get about three feet tall so we would build tunnels and hideouts and play all day. One night after tunneling through the grass, my leg started to hurt. There was a big red bite on my shin that bothered me a lot more than a mosquito bite. And it itched – a lot. By the next morning, I had a knot on my shin and it was getting hard to...

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Sign of Alzheimer's

November 20, 2020

Sign of Alzheimer's You left your keys in the front door and forgot to put the ice cream back in the freezer. Is it old-age, forgetfulness, or could it be a sign of Alzheimer’s? For most, there’s no reason to be concerned, unless you put the keys in the freezer and stored the ice cream in the car. While old age is inevitable (if you live long enough!), Alzheimer’s is not. While most people begin to forget things as they grow older,...

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Living with COPD

November 13, 2020

COPD If you watch television, you’ve heard of COPD. You can’t miss those commercials. But what exactly is it, is it serious and how do you know if you have it? Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an inflammatory lung disease that blocks airflow from the lungs. COPD is usually caused by exposure to irritating gases, like cigarette smoke. Basically, it’s hard for people with COPD to breathe. And living with COPD requires...

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