Category: Health & Wellness

Social Distancing 

October 28, 2020

Social Distancing  In the past year, people all over the world have been spending a lot of time alone social distancing. The COVID-19 global pandemic has been quarantining entire countries for months, and when then if people are exposed or ill. They have to go back into self- or government- or physician-imposed isolation. For some people, being alone is a dream come true or not that much different than their normal routine. But for most, it’s...

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Proper Handwashing

October 9, 2020

Proper Handwashing While is COVID-19 still a constant in the DFW area. We wanted to share some good handwashing techniques to help with the spread of this and other viruses going around. If your hands contain any apparent and visible dirt, grease, or another residue, soap and water are best. Here is the proper handwashing technique: Wash with warm or hot water Apply soap Rub hands together to lather Actually, scrub your hands,...

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Gardening is Good For You

September 30, 2020

Gardening is an exercise. With more people staying home, the popularity of gardening is growing like a weed. And we're starting to see the physical benefits behind gardening as well! Getting a perfect organic tomato or a gorgeous rose from your own garden can give you a feeling of an amazing accomplishment. Even growing a misshapen pepper or a daisy can make you proud. But did you know that gardening is a good workout, too? You might not...

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Coronavirus 2020 Series – Building a Better Immune System

April 4, 2020

Building a Better Immune System There are many things that can affect your immune system, making it weak and unable to fend-off infections and viruses such as COVID-19. What can you do to build your immune system? Take more vitamins Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system boosters by increasing the production of white blood cells. Take vitamin C daily to replenish your body since it does not produce or store it. Vitamin B6 is vital to...

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What's Going Around? Is It A Common Cold, Infection, the Flu or Worse?

December 24, 2019

What's Going Around? Most people will catch a cold sooner or later each year. Colds consist of coughing, runny nose, chills, fatigue, body aches and a fever. Some colds are short, but some linger on just enough to make your winter miserable. Colds that hang around too long can develop into much more serious infections, the flu or worse. A combination of these can be life-threatening. Flu People who get the flu usually recover in about 5 to...

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Men’s Heart Health

June 10, 2019

June 10-16, 2021 is Men’s Health Week While men experience many health issues, the main one that seems to always take precedence is cardiac. Some men hit the gym to increase strength in their body muscles, but the most important muscle is your HEART. Heart disease is the most common cause of death for men in the United States. Heart disease is a term used to describe any disorder of the cardiovascular system, which affects your heart’s ability...

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Sunburns and Skin Cancer

May 22, 2019

Sunburns and Skin Cancer School is out. The weather is hot and the sun is shining. Time for that family vacation. So why not soak up some rays at the beach? Sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D and can be beneficial for your body, but too much of it can be dangerous, especially if you have fair skin or are prone to sunburns. How much sun is too much? And when should you be concerned about sunburns or getting screened for skin...

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Are You Stressed Out?

April 16, 2019

Are You Stressed Out? April 16, 2019, is National Stress Awareness Day. In fact, the whole month of April is National Stress Awareness Month. Why do you ask? Well for one, taxes are due in April… coincidence or not?! Whether it's rushing to finish your taxes or dealing with stresses such as your job, traffic, kids, or whatever else, it’s beneficial to relieve stress as often as possible. Some suggestions are: Physical...

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Allergies and Asthma

March 19, 2019

Allergies Allergies develop when your body reacts to a foreign substance called an allergen. These allergens can be something you breathe, touch, or taste. You could have symptoms like itchy or watery eyes, a scratchy or itchy throat, or a runny or stuffy nose. With a more severe allergic reaction, you could have hives, rashes, trouble breathing, or even death. There are over the counter medications, home remedies, and natural products...

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What is a Stroke and Are You at Risk?

March 7, 2019

What is a Stroke? Uniquely, a stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery, or a blood vessel breaks and interrupts blood flow to the brain, causing cells in your brain to die. Furthermore, it can cause difficulties in speech, movement, and memory. In addition, strokes may cause death. According to the CDC, stroke is the 5th leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States. Therefore about 795,000...

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Check Out These Spring Break Safety Tips

March 5, 2019

Spring Break Safety Tips It’s almost that time of the year when millions of high school and college students are planning a long-time tradition, Spring Break. If you are planning a spring break trip, one of the most important things is safety. Here are a few tips to help you have a safe and enjoyable spring break. Limit Alcohol Consumption If you are of legal drinking age and you are planning to include drinking alcohol as part...

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February Is National Heart Month – Women Take Heart

February 7, 2019

National Heart Month It’s also the month for love and fluttering hearts everywhere. But is the fluttering a symptom of love, or something else? Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of American women over the age of 34? Many women are not aware of the life-threatening risk that even the mildest symptoms may have. Show your heart some love. Common Heart Problems that Affect Women Heart disease, also known as CVD, refers to a...

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Surepoint Emergency Center Supports National Healthy Weight Week. Follow These 5 Tips to Make It Successful.

January 22, 2019

National Healthy Weight Week Rather than succumbing to despair, you can use the week to refocus your mind and pursue healthy weight goals. Of course, it always helps to have an arsenal of tips and tricks, so consider these to make it successful.   Rethinking Calorie Counting Is Essential. This time of year is when counting calories and focusing on weight loss tend to become lower priorities. Instead, manage portions by...

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What You Should Know About Heat Strokes and Heat Rashes

November 15, 2018

What You Should Know About Heat Strokes and Heat Rashes Summer brings with it sunny, beach days, and nights full of crickets and warm breezes. But one thing you should be aware of in the summers is the possibility of temperatures rising, causing it to be really hot in your neighborhood or state and resulting in dangerous, almost life-threatening conditions. This is what you should know about heat strokes and heat rashes! Heatstroke, which is...

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